80.Shen, J., Qin, L., Fang, Z., Zhang, Y., Liu, J., Liu, W., Wang, F., Xiao, Y., Yu, H. & Wei, S. 2018. High-temperature inter-mineral Cr isotope fractionation: A comparison of ionic model predictions and experimental investigations of mantle xenoliths from the North China Craton. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 499, 278-290.
上一条: 79.Xiao, B., Chen, H., Hollings, P., Wang, Y., Yang, J. & Wang, F. 2018. Element transport and enrichment during propylitic alteration in Paleozoic porphyry Cu mineralization systems: Insights from chlorite chemistry. Ore Geology Reviews 102, 437-448.
下一条: 81.Ren, Z., Zhou, T., Hollings, P., White, N. C., Wang, F. & Yuan, F. 2018. Trace element geochemistry of molybdenite from the Shapinggou super-large porphyry Mo deposit, China. Ore Geology Reviews 95, 1049-1065.