7. Changfa Tao, Guangyu Li, Jianbo Zhao, Yejian Qian, Xiaoping Liu. The Investigation of Thermal Runaway Propagation of Lithium-ion Batteries under Different Vertical Distances. J Therm Anal Calorim (2020) 142:1523–1532
上一条: 8. Peixiang He, Runzhe Xu, Qin Liu, Peng Wang, Xiaoping Liu, Changfa Tao*. The evolution of flame length for the oil tank fire with different top cover widths and lip heights. J Loss Prevent Proc 64 (2020) 104070
下一条: 6. Yejian Qian, Qiancheng Hu, Zhaoyuan Li, Shun Meng, Changfa Tao*. An experimental investigation on the evaporation characteristics of lubricating oil film in different grooves. Int Commun Heat Mass 110 (2020) 104413.