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Associate professor

Date of Birth:1982-02-18


Administrative Position:系主任

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study


Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering


Alma Mater:中国科学技术大学



Date of Birth:1982-02-18


Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Alma Mater:中国科学技术大学


Current position: Home / Personal Profile


合肥工业大学运输与物流工程系系主任,主要研究方向为复杂网络、网络交通动力学、网络集群动力学、网络同步动力学。近年来,先后主持过多项国家级、校级科研基金,包括国家自然科学青年基金、国家自然科学主任基金、教育部博士点新教师基金、学术新人提升计划B类、重点实验室自主创新专项等等。在国内外重要期刊上发表论文20余篇,包括在领域著名期刊《Physical Review E》、《Chaos》、《Europhysics Letters》、《European Physical Journal B》、《Journal of Statistical Mechanics》、《Physics Letter A》、《Physica A》、《Chin. Phys. B》等,2018年获教育部自然科学一等奖1项。现任学术期刊《Journal of Statistical Mechanics》、《Physics Letter A》、《Physica A》、《Chin. Phys. B》审稿人,安徽省非线性科学学会理事等。




[1] Xiang Ling(凌翔), Jun-Jie Chen, Zong-Kun Zhang, Kong-Jin Zhu and Ning Guo, “Multiple traffic states and Braess’ paradox in dynamical networks with limited buffer size”, Europhysics Letters. 129, 38001(2020).(SCI EI)

[2] Xiang Ling(凌翔), Wen-Bing Ju, Ning Guo, Kong-Jin Zhu, Chao-Yun Wu and Qing-Yi Hao, Effects of Topological Characteristics on Rhythmic States of the D-Dimensional Kuramoto Model in Complex Networks, Chaos.32, 013118(2022).(SCI EI)

[3] Jun-Jie Chen, Xiang Ling(凌翔),Ning Guo, “Explosive synchronization induced by traffic processes in complex networks”, J Stat.Mech, 083404(2020).(SCI EI)(通讯作者)

[4] Xiang Ling(凌翔), De-Cong Kong, Ning Guo,Kong-Jin Zhu,and Jian-Cheng Long, “Traffic congestion in dynamical network with finite storage capacity”, Physica A. 545, 123460(2020).(SCI EI)

[5] Xiang Ling(凌翔), Mao-Bin Hu, Jian-Xun Ding, Qin Shi and Rui Jiang, Effects of target routing model on the occurrence of extreme events in complex network, European Physical Journal B. 86, 146(2013).(SCI EI)

[6] Xiang Ling(凌翔), Jun-Jie Chen, Ning Guo, Kong-Jin Zhu and Jian-Cheng Long, “Multiple states induced by dynamic speed allocation in dynamical networks”, Physica A. 532, 121868(2019).(SCI EI)

[7] Xiang Ling(凌翔), Wen-Bing Ju, Ning Guo, Chao-Yun Wu and Xiao-Ming Xu, “Explosive synchronization in network of mobile oscillators”, Physics Letters A. 384, 126881(2020).(SCI EI)

[8] Xiang Ling(凌翔),Xiao-Kun Wang, Jun-Jie Chen, Dong Liu, Kong-Jin Zhu and Ning Guo,“Major impact of queue-rule choice on the performance of dynamic networks with limited buffer size”, Chin. Phys. B. 29, 018901(2020).(SCI EI)

[9] Xiang Ling(凌翔),“Effect of mixing assortativity on extreme events in complex networks, Chin. Phys. Lett. 31, 068901(2014).(SCI EI)

[10] Mao-Bin Hu, Xiang Ling(凌翔),Rui Jiang, Yong-Hong Wu and Qing-Song Wu, Dynamical hysteresis phenonmena in complex network traffic, Physical Review E. 79, 047101(2009).(SCI EI)


[1] Qing WuQing-Yang Liu, Xiang Ling(凌翔),Li-Jun Zhang, The self-adaptive routing strategy to alleviate packet loss in finite buffer networks, J Stat.Mech,123402(2021).(SCI EI)(通讯作者)

[2] Xiang Ling(凌翔), Mao-Bin Hu, Rui Jiang and Qing-Song Wu, Global dynamic routing for scale-free networks, Physical Review E. 81, 016113(2010).(SCI EI)

[3] Xiang Ling(凌翔), Mao-Bin Hu, Rui Jiang, Rui-Li Wang and Qing-Song Wu, Pheromone routing protocol on a scale-free network, Physical Review E. 80, 066110(2009).(SCI EI)

[4] Xiang Ling(凌翔), Rui Jiang, Xiong Wang, Mao-Bin Hu and Qing-Song Wu, Traffic of packets with non homogeneously selected destinations in scale-free network, Physica A. 387, 4709(2008).(SCI EI)

[5] Xiang Ling(凌翔), Mao-Bin Hu and Jian-Xun Ding, Effects of node buffer and capacity on network traffic, Chinese. Physics. B. 21, 098902(2012).(SCI EI)


[1] Xiang Ling(凌翔), Mao-Bin Hu, Wen-Bo Du, Rui Jiang, Qing-Song Wu, Bandwidth allocation strategy for traffic systems of scale-free network, Physics Letter A. 374, 4825(2010).(SCI EI)

[2] Xiang Ling(凌翔), Mao-Bin Hu, Jian-Cheng Long,Jian-Xun Ding and Qin Shi, Traffic resource allocation for complex networks, Chinese. Physics. B. 22, 018904(2013)(SCI EI)




