













硕士生导师。主要研究方向为能源环境管理、资源治理、无废城市建设、供应链韧性等方面的研究工作。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、学术新人提升计划B项目等。以第一作者/通讯作者在《Applied Energy》、《Energy》、《Energy Policy》、《中国管理科学》等期刊发表论文二十余篇,入选ESI高被引论文一篇。








  1. Jingjing Li*, Zhaoxin Wang, Hui Li, Jianling Jiao. Which policy can effectively promote the formal recycling of power batteries in China?. Energy, 2024,299: 131445.

  2. Fangyi Li*, Nuoji Zhou, Jingjing Li*, Wu Xie. Government regulation, time-of-use tariff and flexibility improvement of power system: A tripartite evolutionary game analysis. Journal of Energy Storage, 2024, 101: 113748

  3. Ranran Yang, Zhaojun Liu, Jingjing Li*, Jianling Jiao.How does government attention matter in waste classification governance?-- Evidence from 31 provinces in China.Management of Environmental Quality,2024

  4. Lanlan Li, Yufan Meng, Xiaomeng Yuan, Jingjing Li*.Peak shaving strategy optimization based on load forecasting: Evidence from Anhui Provence, China. Journal of Energy Storage, 2024,90:111818

  5. Lanlan Li, Xiaomeng Yuan, Jingjing Li*.Understanding visual feedback mechanism from three-dimensional of information, time and display: A meta-analysis of feedback research for household electricity conservation. Energy and Buildings, 2024,316:114297

  6. Jianling Jiao, Yana Shuai, Jingjing Li*. Identifying ESG types of Chinese solid waste disposal companies based on machine learning methods. Journal of Environmental Management,2024,360:121235

  7. Lanlan Li, Xiaomeng Yuan, Jingjing Li*, Ke Li. Assessing the effect of increasing block tariffs for residential natural gas in Hefei City, China. Utilities Policy,2024,90:101805

  8. Jingjing Li, Yuwen Xu, Jianling Jiao*, Ranran Yang, Jianrui Zha. Do recycling channels affect young consumers' choices for formal power battery recycling?. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023425: 138766.

  9. Jianling Jiao, Yana Shuai, Jingjing Li*. Incentive effects of subsidy policies on Chinese municipal solid waste recycling considering price competition: Subsidies for residents or recyclers?. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2023: 1-23.

  10. Jianling Jiao, Yuqin Chen, Jingjing Li*, Shanlin Yang. Carbon reduction behavior of waste power battery recycling enterprises considering learning effects, Journal of Environmental Management,2023,341:118084.

  11. Jingjing LiLanlan Li, Ranran Yang, Jianling Jiao*. Assessment of the lifecycle carbon emission and energy consumption of lithium-ion power batteries recycling: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of Energy Storage,2023,65:107306.

  12. 焦建玲,潘正涛,李晶晶*.考虑再利用的经济效益与排放效率的动力电池回收模式选择[J/OL].中国管理科学:1-16[2023-02-08].https://doi.org/10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2021.2731.

  13. Lanlan Li, Xinpei Song, Jingjing Li*, Ke Li, Jianling Jiao. The impacts of temperature on residential electricity consumption in Anhui, China: does the electricity price matter?. Climatic Change, 2023, 176(3): 26.

  14. Jianling Jiao, Zhengtao Pan, Jingjing Li*. Effect of carbon trading scheme and technological advancement on the decision-making of power battery closed-loop supply chain. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30:14770–14791

  15. Jianling Jiao, Afeng Zhang, Jianrui Zha, Jingjing Li. Technological opportunity identification of cement kiln co-processing based on the gap between science and technology. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2023, 25:407–420

  16. Jingjing Li, Victor Nian, Jianling Jiao*. 2022. Diffusion and benefits evaluation of electric vehicles under policy intervention: based on a multi-agent system dynamics model. Applied energy 309: 118430. 

  17. Lanlan Li, Jingjing Li*, Ke Li, Xuan Luo, Jianling Jiao, 2022. Climatic impacts on residential natural gas consumption: Evidence from Hefei, China. Energy and Buildings 275, 112488.





[1]   2016.9-2021.6

合肥工业大学  |  工商管理  |  管理学博士学位  |  博士研究生毕业