Impact Factor:4.348
DOI number:10.1109/LWC.2018.2876540
Affiliation of Author(s):School of ComputerScience and Information Engineering, Hefei University of Technology
Journal:IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
Funded by:"National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61571178, and 61771315."
Key Words:Physical-layer security, artificial noise, secrecy rate, outage probability, full-duplex
Abstract:This letter considers a new secure communication scenario where a full-duplex transmitter (Alan) needs to transmit confidential information to a half-duplex receiver (Bob), with an eavesdropper (Eve) that tries to overhear the confidential information. For realizing the secure communication, we design an effective artificial-noise-aided secure scheme (ANAS) which is composed of two phases' transmissions: in Phase 1, Alan and Bob transmit two independent artificial noises (ANs) simultaneously, while in Phase 2, Alan superimposes the AN received in Phase 1 with its confidential signal and sends out the mixed signal. Since the superimposed AN by Alan in Phase 2 can be effectively cancelled by Bob while remains an interference to Eve, a secrecy rate could then be achieved. Importantly, we derive the approximate closed-form solutions of the average secrecy rate and secrecy outage probability of ANAS under a Rayleigh block-fading channel. Numerical results show that the secrecy rate of ANAS is about twice higher than the benchmark scheme, even though in ANAS half of the time is used to transmit ANs.
Co-author:Shengli Zhang,Zhongyi Guo,Jun Gao
First Author:Xinyue Hu
Indexed by:Journal paper
Correspondence Author:Caihong Kai
Document Type:J
Page Number:480 - 483
ISSN No.:2162-2345
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-10-07
Included Journals:SCI、EI