(3)Tao T, Wang Z, Ji J, Guo Y, Zhu Y, Hu X, Liu K, Jiao Y*. Influence of superhydrophobic area occupancy and impact angle on the water entry dynamics of spheres[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34(9): 092116. (通讯作者,流体力学顶刊)
上一条:(4)Ji J, Liu X, Zhang Y, Jiao Y*, Liu K. Synergetic effect of surface connectivity and functional parameters on the friction characteristics of a sliding contact interface[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2023, 237(2): 380-390. (通讯作者)
下一条:(2)Wang Z, Tao T, Zhu Y, Hu X, Guo Y, Ji J, Liu X, Liu K, Jiao Y*. Water entry dynamics of rough microstructured spheres[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34(8): 082106. (通讯作者,流体力学顶刊)