Zhi Guo*. The focus on pollutants should be transformed--A concern of nano-pollution. Science Advances, 2017, e-letter, URL: http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/3/10/e1701776.
- 上一条:
- Zhi Guo*, Guangming Zeng, Kangping Cui, Anwei Chen. Toxicity of environmental nanosilver: mechanism and assessment. Environmental Chemistry Letters, Accepted. DOI: 10.1007/s10311-018-0800-1.
- 下一条:
- Zhi Guo, Guiqiu Chen, Guangming Zeng, Ming Yan, Zhenzhen Huang, Luhua Jiang, Chuan Peng, Jiajia Wang, Zhihua Xiao. Are silver nanoparticles always toxic with environmental anion? Chemosphere, 2017, 171: 318–323.