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Pre One : Yaodan Dai, Zhi Guo*, Xingpan Guo*, Rui Deng, Lele Li, Ting Fan, Kangping Cui, Tao Pan, Plastic particles and fluorescent brightener co-modify Chlorella pyrenoidosa photosynthesis and a machine learning approach predict algae growth, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 477, 135406.rdous Materials, 477, 135406.
Next One : Jie Li, Zhi Guo*, Kangping Cui, Xing Chen, Xue Yang, Dazhuang Dong, Shanshan Xi, Zhangzhen Wu, Feiyan Wu. Remediating thiacloprid-contaminated soil utilizing straw biochar-loaded iron and manganese oxides activated persulfate: Removal effects and soil environment changes. Journal of hazardous materials, 2023,459.132066.
Associate professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral degree
Honors and Titles:
Sound award for environment
Scholarship to excellent doctoral candidate
National scholarship for doctoral candidate
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