Translation or Not:no
Pre One : Feiyan Wu, Zhi Guo*, Kangping Cui, Dazhuang Dong, Xue Yang, Jie Li, Zhangzhen Wu, Lele Li, Yaodan Dai, Tao Pan. Insights into characteristics of white rot fungus during environmental plastics adhesion and degradation mechanism of plastics. Journal of hazardous materials,2023,448.130878.
Next One : Yaodan Dai, Zhi Guo*, Xingpan Guo*, Rui Deng, Lele Li, Ting Fan, Kangping Cui, Tao Pan, Plastic particles and fluorescent brightener co-modify Chlorella pyrenoidosa photosynthesis and a machine learning approach predict algae growth, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 477, 135406.rdous Materials, 477, 135406.
Associate professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral degree
Honors and Titles:
Sound award for environment
Scholarship to excellent doctoral candidate
National scholarship for doctoral candidate
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