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教师拼音名称:Chen Guowei
- 吴汉卿,阮楚晋,万炜,李胜龙,裴丁仪,韩苗,陈国炜,刘莹,朱堃,王钢,基于知识图谱分析的土壤氮循环功能基因研究进展:土壤学报,2022,60(1
- 章鑫鑫,谷正,余超,陈国炜,刘丽,饮用水中悬浮颗粒物对微生物聚集和消毒效果的影响:中国环境科学,2022,42(1):76-82.
- 韩苗,朱晓艳,陈国炜,万小铭,王钢,解钾菌及其释钾微观机制的研究进展:土壤学报,2022,59(2):334-348.
- Bang Du,Shudong Wang,Guowei Chen,Gang Wang,Li Liu,Nutrient starvation intensifies chlorine disinfection-stressed biofilm formation:Chemosphere,2022,295):133827.
- Guowei Chen,Ali Ebrahimi,Zhen Hu,David R. Johnson,Fazhu Wu,Yifei Sun,Renhao Shen,Li Liu,Gang Wang,Electrotaxis-mediated cell motility and nutrient availability determine Chlamydomonas microsphaera-surface interactions in bioelectrochemical systems:Bioelectrochemistry,2022,143):107989.
- Yan Wang,Guowei Chen,Yifei Sun,Kun Zhu,Yan Jin,Baoguo Li,Gang Wang,Different agricultural practices specify bacterial community compositions in the soil rhizosphere and root zone:Soil Ecol. Lett.,2022,4):18-31.
- Yifei Sun,Meiling Sun,Guowei Chen,Xin Chen,Baoguo Li,Gang Wang,Aggregate sizes regulate the microbial community patterns in sandy soil profile:Soil Ecol. Lett.,2021,3(4):313-327.
- Guowei Chen,Zhen Hu,Ali Ebrahimi,David R. Johnson,Fazhu Wu,Yifei Sun,Renhao Shen,Li Liu,Gang Wang,Chemotactic movement and zeta potential dominate Chlamydomonas microsphaera attachment and biocathode development:Environ. Technol.,2021,online):1-12.
- Chujin Ruan,Xinyao Niu,Guangzhou Xiong,Guowei Chen,Hanqing Wu,Zechao Ma,Kun Zhu,Ying Liu,Gang Wang,Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of the new Bacillus cereus phage SWEP1:Arch. Virol.,2021,166(11):3183-3188.
- Chujin Ruan,Josep Ramoneda,Guowei Chen,David R. Johnson,Gang Wang,Evaporation-induced hydrodynamics promote conjugation-mediated plasmid transfer in microbial populations:ISME Commun.,2021,1
- Mengya Du,Lin Wang,Ali Ebrahimi,Guowei Chen,Shangyi Shu,Kun Zhu,Chongyang Shen,Baoguo Li,Gang Wang,Extracellular polymeric substances induced cell-surface interactions facilitate bacteria transport in saturated porous media:Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf.,2021,2021(218):112291.
- Gang Wang,Neng Han,Li Liu,Zhengchen Ke,Baoguo Li,Guowei Chen,Molecular density regulating electron transfer efficiency of S. oneidensis MR-1 mediated roxarsone biotransformation:Environ. Pollut.,2020,259):113924.
- Bang Du,Yue Gu,Guowei Chen,Gang Wang,Li Liu,Flagellar motility mediates early-stage bio fi lm formation in oligotrophic aquatic environment:Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf.,2020,194):110340.
- Yanyan Liu,Rongrong Shan,Guowei Chen,Li Liu,Linking flow velocity-regulated EPS production with early-stage biofilm formation in drinking water distribution systems:Water Supply,2020,20(4):1253-1263.
- Guowei Chen,Ning Zhu,Zhen Hu,Li Liu,Guoqing Wang,Gang Wang,Motility changes rather than EPS production shape aggregation of Chlamydomonas microsphaera in aquatic environment:Environ. Technol.,2020,42(18):2916-2924.