18. 汪鹏飞,张凯,陆益民,陈恩伟*, 移动绳索边界阻尼能量耗散特性分析, 第十三届全国振动理论及应用学术会议,2019.11.9-12,西安
上一条:36. Wu, Qun; Chen, Enwei; Lu, Yimin; Liu, Zhengshi; Tang, Xiang. Modified runge-kutta method for solving nonlinear vibration of axially travelling string system. 21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2014,( ICSV 2014), v 5: 3896-3901 (EI)
下一条:20. CHEN En-wei, Li Meng-bo, Zhang Kai, and LU Yi-min. A reflected wave superposition method for travelling string vibration with dashpot boundary. the 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV25),2018, 8-12 July Hiroshima, Japan